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Acupuncture-Herb Center We specialize in Oriental Medicine, a complete system that is used to diagnose and treat illness, relieve pain, prevent disease and improve well-being. Providing Acupuncture and other services to Virginia Beach and the surrounds Hampton Roads area.
Menopause Symptoms - Skin Disorders- Digestive Problems - Chronic Pain - Sinus headache - Menstrual Cramps/PMS - Edema - Cold and Flu - Anxiety/Depression. Herbs - in conjunction with acupuncture or as a stand-alone- play an important role in the healing process in clinics of traditional Chinese Medicine.
I use extreme caution in needle placement and strive for pain free treatments. I believe an acupuncture treatment should be a pleasant experience and something one looks forward to. If you want to "try one or two sessions to see if it works", you will not get the full advantage. The National Institute of Health reports that one should see results in approximately ten visits, usually results are seen after only one. Do not rush the therapy, allow your body to heal in its' own time. We are all different, as are our diseases and illnesses.
As a practicing acupuncturist, I am naturally interested in natural ways to heal and keep a healthy body. I have a healthy respect for Western Medicine and I remind my patients to check with their doctor regarding their medical issues; in fact each new patient signs a form that reminds them to see/consult their physician for the same issue for which they are seeking acupuncture.
People who are not familiar with acupuncture always ask if it can treat a certain syndrome, disease or malady. The thing about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that it is viewed from a completely different angle than Western Medicine. There are 'Patterns of Disease' in TCM and every known or unknown disease or syndrome will fall into one of the 'Patterns.'
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